Meet the team

We are a professional team of highly motivated and curious people, working closely together to solve all kinds of problems for our customers. Our competencies are diverse and complementary, with deep expertise in technological fields such as machine learning and software development, deployment and maintanance.


Holger Hussmann


Doctorate in Technology with deep expertise in management and scaling up profitable businesses. Co-founder of Bluetooth and founder of WowBox. Enjoys working with brilliant people, building engaged teams and to achieve results. I +47 469 54 906


The acting CTO of Simula Consulting, Omar Richardson

Omar Richardson


PhD in Mathematics, various experience in software development and a core contributor of the JupyterHub project.
Fondness for data. I LinkedIn

A data engineer at Simula Consulting called Magnus Heskestad Waage

Magnus Heskestad Waage

Data Engineer

PhD in computational physics. Over 10 years experience in software maintanance. Focus on producing readable and maintainable software. I LinkedIn

A software engineer at Simula Consulting called Uladzilau Lazouski

Uladzislau Lazouski

Software Engineer

Master in simulation and visualisation. Passion for applying advances from computer vision and machine learning to real-life challenges. In-depth experience within robotics and computer vision. I LinkedIn

A data scientist at Simula consulting called Elias Myklebust

Elias Myklebust

Data Scientist

Master in applied physics and mathematics. Passion for mathematical analysis and proofs. Experience in data quality management, industrial ontologies and semantic technology. I LinkedIn

A data scientist at Simula consulting called Anders Varmann Aamodt

Anders Varmann Aamodt

Data scientist

Master in physics. Passion for modelling and simulating physical phenomena. Experience in computer vision, Retrieval Augmented Generation and recommender systems. I LinkedIn

A data scientist at Simula consulting called Børge Solli Andreassen

Børge Solli Andreassen

Data scientist

Research experience in computer vision for medical imaging from PhD position. Experience as a senior systems engineer. I LinkedIn

Elifsu Filiz

Data Scientist

Master in computer science. Experience in MLOps and time series forecasting models. Eager to apply data solutions in environmental sustainability. | LinkedIn

Vanita Kalaichelvan

Data Scientist

Master in Electrical Engineering. Experience in machine learning deployment projects across finance, insurance, and logistics. Passionate about addressing bias in AI systems. | LinkedIn

A data engineer at Simula consulting called Knut Andre Gryteng

Knut Andre Prestsveen

Data Engineer

Master in applied physics and mathematics from NTNU. Experience with building data pipelines. Passion for software development and open source technology. I LinkedIn

Thorvald Ballestad

Data Scientist

Master in applied physics and mathematics from NTNU. Experience in scientific programming. Motivated combining practical programming and theoretical knowledge. I LinkedIn